GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Solidarity Statements and Press Releases

External Communications

The GEO Demands the UIUC Administration Immediately Terminate its Use of Proctorio and Other Invasive Exam Proctoring Tools


Academic integrity is a vital component of an equitable classroom, and ensuring it is particularly difficult remotely. This challenge, however, must not be matched with a response which sacrifices the privacy and security of the most vulnerable members of our community. 

The GEO supports the undergraduate student-led petition against Proctorio and joins in their demands to immediately terminate its use at UIUC.  

Privacy: The use of Proctorio is a serious invasion of worker and student privacy. The COVID-19 pandemic has already forced many students and workers to share more of their personal lives than they would have otherwise been comfortable with. Granting the University unfettered access to webcam, microphone, and internet use represents a significantly more severe violation of personal privacy. Proctorio requires the use of Google Chrome, which auto-fills boxes with sensitive information, including credit card information. When done erroneously, this data is still recorded and held by the University. Further, ambiguity in Proctorio's privacy policy leaves room for future changes in tracking once the software has already been adopted by an Institution: "You agree to allow Proctorio to monitor you by webcam, microphone, browser, desktop, or any other means necessary to uphold integrity." Proctorio hired a third-party company to conduct a security audit of their software, and the subsequent report is only one page long and lacks the relevant detail for accurately assessing the security risk of this software. Given the move to online classes, students are being forced to consent to this invasion of privacy as a consequence of being a student during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Security Concerns: Proctorio has an unreasonable amount of access to the user’s computer. The information Proctorio is able to collect is incredibly sensitive and dangerous in the event of a security breach that the University cannot prevent. According to Proctorio's Privacy Policy, "Proctorio will either: 1) destroy the data [it collects from students] or 2) deliver it to the Institution", based solely on the UIUC’s preference regarding data destruction. This means that UIUC can hold onto this data at their own discretion, opening up an additional avenue for security breaches. Additionally, the CEO of Proctorio recently shared supposedly private student chat logs on the social media site, Reddit, to support a personal argument. This blatant disregard for the rights of tested students does little to reassure us that the privacy of undergraduate and graduate students will be protected moving forward.

Testing Accommodations: Proctorio's invasive design is damagingly inconsiderate of students with severe test anxiety or who require additional testing accommodations. Constant individual observation can be an extreme source of stress in contrast to several proctors assigned to an entire in-person class. While professors are able to choose the level of surveillance for an exam, this can be done so without the students' knowledge, making it impossible to prepare for their testing environment and further add to their anxiety.

Financial Discrimination: To use Proctorio, undergraduate students and graduate workers must have the appropriate technology (internet, computer, webcam, microphone, etc.).This discriminates against those who are less financially privileged, and given UIUC Admin’s refusal to agree to providing COVID-19 technology subsidies to all graduate workers, Proctorio will continue to exacerbate this issue of inequality.

Discriminatory Flagging System: Proctorio's flagging system is inconsiderate of students and workers at home who are sharing their work environment with siblings, parents, children, etc. Students can attempt to notify people in their home of their exam schedule, but it is difficult to control noise level and interruptions outside of the workspace.  In addition, limited access to the steady wifi required (with any connection issues leading Proctorio to immediately end and auto-submit a student's exam) may force students to take tests in public settings such as cafes and libraries, where they may be flagged for noise levels and other activity that is outside of their control. Students who have been flagged previously will also be more vulnerable to flagging in future testing scenarios. The separation between work and personal life has already been eroded by the pandemic. Students from cultures that emphasize family responsibilities or respect for the parent-child hierarchy could have even more difficulties enforcing work-life boundaries at home.

Facial Recognition Discrimination: Facial recognition software has consistently been proven to be racist, sexist, and transphobic, and it is unreasonable to assume that Proctorio is free from these same biases. 

Efficacy and Consequences: Online proctoring software has leaked significant amounts of student information, including addresses and passwords. At-home computers may also be shared by multiple people, putting multiple family members at risk in addition to the student being tested. Many proctors have reported seeing personal information through their students' computers. 

Undergraduate students and graduate workers should not have to sacrifice their right to privacy in order to achieve a quality education.

The Graduate Employees’ Organization, AFT/IFT Local 6300, AFL-CIO, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, represents approximately 2,700 Teaching and Graduate Assistants on the UIUC Campus. In November 2009 and in February 2018, over 1,000 GEO members and allies participated in a strike to secure a fair contract and more accessible UIUC campus. With an active presence in the community, the GEO continues to work for high-quality and accessible public education in Illinois.